What is JavaCCCS?

JavaCCCS is a port of JavaCC to generate C# code instead of Java. JavaCCCS is a compiler compiler, i.e. given a grammar file it generates a parser for it that can then be used directly or by other applications.

Getting the software

Download JavaCCCS.


There is currently no documentation for JavaCCCS, but most of the JavaCC documentation applies (keep in mind that JavaCCCS generates C# code, thus the inlined code must be legal C# code!).

A project using JavaCCCS is IIOP.NET; look at the IDLToCLSCompiler for a concrete example which parses CORBA IDL files and generates a parser using jjtree.


You can find more resources (mailing-list, CVS, ...) on the Sourceforge JavaCCCS project page.


This project was launched and is maintained by

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